Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Brother

Dear Bro:
There have been soo many things I've wanted to tell you lately. Mostly that I miss you beyond words, and hope one day we will be a family again. I've been reminiscing lately, and I'm sure these memories would make you smile!
Remember when I was just learning to crawl, and you were watching the tv while Mom was down the hall getting ready for work. I crawled up to you and yanked your hair, then sat back and bawled! Mom came hurrying down the hallway asking you what you did to me. You just looked at her with a confused expression and said, "Nothing, mom."
This happened once more before Mom decided to sneak back to watch what was going on. She saw me slowly crawl up behind you and yank your hair really hard then sit back and start wailing! You just sat there they whole time and never flinched! When you had the chance to get me in trouble, you didn't. You were a great big brother from the start.
How about the time when I was 3, and took a roll of Duct Tape and wound it around your body while you were sitting on the floor? Ha ha! You just sat there and let me do it! Ouch! Can't imagine how it felt coming off!
Remember when you and I went to New York in 2001, after MeMe had the aneurysm? We were in the hospital visiting her and I was really thirsty? I hated going anywhere by myself, so you decided to take me to the vending machines. I only had a $10 bill, and decided I'd put that in the quarter exchange machine. Will you ever forget the sound of 4o quarters hitting the floor?? And to top it all off, I didn't have pockets so you had to carry them all in your jeans!!
Do you remember when you took me out and taught me how to drive? You laughed sooo hard when you saw I had one foot on the brake and the other on the gas pedal!
I miss those days. And wish I could have them back. You were such an amazing brother, and I always wanted to be like you. You were my best friend, and someone I could always go to when I was sad. You cheered me up regardless of the day I had. I could never stay mad at you, because you knew how to make me laugh. I just hope that when I have a lil boy, he will be just like you were to his sister! I love and miss you soo much!!!
Your Sis

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